
Showing posts with the label hackers

The Blurry Line Between Ethical and Criminal Hacking

There are three types of hackers, white, gray, and black hat hackers. And while white hat hackers fall strictly under the cybersecurity category, the line isn’t as clear-cut when it comes to gray and black hat hackers. Read This Article on CloudSavvy IT ›

The Worrying Rise of Hackers For Hire

What’s behind the surge in people hiring hackers on the dark web? What type of systems are they targeting and who is at risk? We rummage through the dark web for answers. Read This Article on CloudSavvy IT ›

The Worrying Rise of Hackers For Hire

What’s behind the surge in people hiring hackers on the dark web? What type of systems are they targeting and who is at risk? We rummage through the dark web for answers. Read This Article on CloudSavvy IT ›

Column: Facebook and Health Net hacks drive home the need for a national privacy law

Data breaches involving Facebook and Health Net highlight Americans’ vulnerability to hackers — and our lack of a national privacy law.

North Korean military hackers indicted in cyber plot to rob banks, attack companies

U.S. charges three North Koreans in conspiracy to steal more than $1 billion, distribute malware around the world and attack Sony Pictures Entertainment.