How to be an in-demand cloud geek

CRN published one of those slideshow articles revealing “The Most In-Demand Cloud Computing Jobs For 2021.”

Spoiler alert: Cloud engineers are in the most demand, earning an average annual salary of $118,000. Of course, “cloud engineer” could mean many different things in many different organizations. Let’s just say it’s someone who knows a lot about cloud computing and is also a hands-on problem solver.

[ Also on InfoWorld: Cloud tech certifications count more than degrees now ]

The great thing about cloud computing is it has been in demand for the last 8 to 10 years, depending on what aspect of cloud computing you wanted to specialize in. As the demand rose, so did the number of those in and outside of IT who sought a cloud computing career path. I’ve seen teachers, cops, social workers, stay-at-home-parents, and those on very different career paths pivot to cloud computing, and most have done well.

To read this article in full, please click here


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